Hi guys
Excitement is the farthest from my mind as I start this blog. You can say I am extremely nervous because I am not certain of the outcome but above everything else I hope it turns out to be exciting and inspiring. Been procrastinating for a while now and feeling like I wasn’t  ready but come to think of it, there is no such thing as being ready, just start by starting.
I moved to Nigeria a couple of months ago and I can say the experience has been nothing short of interesting. I remember when I told my aunt I was coming here for school; she was mortified and recounted all the possible evils that could befall me. I know it came from a good place and I love her for caring but personally I think the movies we watch sometimes cloud our judgement. I mean there is evil everywhere so we just have to hold strong to our faith. Most of us will agree that the first few weeks are the hardest when you move to another place: settling in. I have picked up a few lessons so far;

If you embrace imperfection,you learn to love it. When you move to another place don't expect everything to go as planned. I have learnt to embrace imperfection and find stability in chaos ( and trust me when I say Lagos is madly chaotic). Things didn't always work out as I planned but that OK. Perfection is boring anyways. Once I rid myself of expectations of how I wanted things to go, I opened myself to a whole new set of experiences. It is possible to find beauty in those twisted moments and enjoy the ride no matter how bumpy - shock absorbers excluded lol

Whatever happens,you can handle it. Moving got me pondering on so many questions with the most disturbing being what if I can’t find a job right away? After being independent for a little bit, going back to being dependent was a change in dynamics for me and I wasn’t quite sure how to deal with it. But I was consoled by the fact that it was for a higher cause and greater good. I also decided to handle whatever situation arose,besides worry never helped anybody and it certainly didnt help me.

You learn to roll with constant change.  I had to be open to change ;in fact I needed to love it because the fear of settling and becoming stagnant scared me more.
It took a while for me to get used to the fact that most locals are going to speak to me in Yoruba at first sight,  afterall Lagos is a Yoruba state. Now I am able to throw a few slangs here and there even though I can’t speak the language itself.
For most people change can be very scary which shouldn’t  be the case. Change makes us more adaptable and stronger and I think that’s something we all should look forward to.
  “Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end”

Some of you probably have some tips you’ve picked up. If you could add one thing to this list, what will you advice someone about moving to another city/country?
