The Comparison Poison

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Hi guys
Hope u have been having a great week so far because I have. I recently met up with a friend and we had a good laugh after reminiscing on a few of our experiences and our conversation got me thinking on what another friend and myself discussed about a while back.
 Mere looking around you see so much going on; from people getting dream jobs, getting married, others having kids already and all the like and amidst all this lies the tendency to compare and make evaluations on where we are or where we aren’t at yet and I felt like there are more people out there with the comparison poison going on for them and they need some sort of reminder so they don’t sway from the things that really matter.

 We shouldn’t spend so much time and energy focusing on what everyone around us is doing. We should not let anyone’s progress discourage us or demotivate us, and allow the steps someone else has taken force us to skip the steps we need to take for ourselves. We have to learn to be patient with our journey, it is uniquely ours and no one can play out our story the way we can. What is rightfully ours will come to us when the time is right. Evident in such situations is vulnerability and the likelihood to accept things/ people back into our lives which aren’t good for us. The key to our happiness and emancipation lay deep within us, regardless of how much love we may still have for those things. Your well being and mental health is more important.
Such feelings are usually so strong and we tend to get carried away and consumed in them. Lines always fall in pleasant places and when they do we will just look back on those moments and smile at how we reacted.
To you out there, feeling disheartened, stressed and depressed; keep doing what you love doing and excel in it. The universe has a way of bringing things together in due time.
Thanks for visiting, until next time,
